Sticking to Principles, or Just Plain Stuck?

For readers who do not follow U.S. politics (a wise bunch), some background: in November 2012, our most recent presidential campaign concluded. Obama and Biden won re-election. Their opponents were Romney and Ryan.

Every day I walk my dog around the neighborhood, twice. I try to vary our route but over a week we pass the same homes repeatedly. A couple blocks from me is a neighbor I have never seen on any of those walks, but fantasize meeting, to inquire about this obsolete campaign sign, getting weathered and worn on the front lawn:

A sign of defiance?

A sign of defiance?

What I want to ask – but let’s face it, never will – goes like this: Are you aware the election is over? Are you trying to will a different result? Is this a signal of your refusal to accept the outcome? (Insert rant about kneejerk intransigence in the federal government.) Should we call the SWAT team – have you been held hostage in your house for more than 12 months, unable to walk out front to remove the sign?

Please advise.

(This week’s WordPress Photo Challenge wants to see habits.)

12 thoughts on “Sticking to Principles, or Just Plain Stuck?

  1. […] or birds-of-a-feather tendencies (or both), the person who goes with this car is visiting this neighbor who remains fixed on the U.S. 2012 presidential […]


  2. […] Sticking to Principles, or Just Plain Stuck? | Required Writing […]


  3. Thank you for the chuckle! Best part: The irony in the state of Federal Politics today. 🙂

    Good luck in your NaBloPoMo quest!


    • Irony is putting it politely!

      Just stopped by your blog, which I found completely charming. I wish you had a Follow option beyond email. I am maxed out on emails…


      • Aww thanks for the nice words!

        The wordpress follow option is there! 🙂 or are you on Bloglovin? 🙂 that’s an option, too!


      • I just went and checked again. The only follow options available to me were to receive the blog via email. What I’d like is to see it in my WP Reader.


      • Thanks so much for your feedback! I’m trying so hard to make it easier to build followers – simply because the conversations are always so great.

        That being said, I spent the last few minutes trying to add a “” follow option! Would you mind having a look, and seeing if it works for you? 🙂

        Again – I really appreciate your input and suggestion!


      • Getting closer! When I click on the button nothing happens, but it does appear to be the “missing link”.


      • Correction – not the right button after all. I just tried to use in in a different browser and what that button does is allow me to log in to WordPress (not add you to my “follows”.


      • Ohh!! Yes!! So once you log in – it should add it to your WordPress! I think! Lol I had a friend try in the mean time and it seemed to have worked for her! Ugh sometimes building a blog can be so frustrating!


      • OK. That was weird. I clicked the button, a separate window popped up, I logged in and poof the window disappeared. No alerts about whether anything had gone right or wrong. So – See if I have been added to your list of followers. If so, I recommend that you add a few words to your home page so that others understand what to do.


    • How could any of this be better stated? It cot’lndu.


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